Worship spell
Red eye amulet, Ngang base soil amulet
(Khmer and Khmer)
Let's choose. There are many chapters, from Khmer master, Khmer hermit, Khmer monk, Thai monk.

Stupid Heart Spell
Father's heart is numb, praying "Uhapama"
The spell to awaken a monk
Om Kammapon Kamtapeng, Metta Sun, Father Ngang, you come to me, set aside your wealth, bring your sire to me.
The spell of Phra Ngang translated Thai mixed with Khmer language.
Namo three ends
Oh, I'm addicted to my mind Phitsawat is fascinated by the mind. I miss you. I will never forget. Whoever sees it, his mind freezes and thinks of me. All the men and women were stunned and enchanted by me. can't see my face Om Ku will awaken Father Ngang to snuggle in me. Ohm wake up, Ohm wake up, Ohm wake up, Ohm Swaha Swahum Ehipiyang mama, mama mama, mama mama, bewildered, bewildered, bewildered, bewildered, be bewildered, be bewildered, be bewildered, be bewildered
Phra Ngang spell of a monk in the middle of the forest
Namo three ends
Phutthang Dhammang Sangkhang Jatikantang Bitter gourd Panatikan All different things. Arahangjangang bhawe sampatichami me sammuka sabbharatite sammuka irahang arahang kusala dhamma sambuddho du sa na so Na Moputthaya
It is a spell of Phra Ngang to protect oneself and to be invulnerable.
Phra Ngang spell (short top)
It can be used with all monks.
Mani Manang Manang Tanti Chittang Phuti Manimama Mama
Blessings to Phra Ngang
It can be used with all monks.
Namo 3 ends
Oh ngangtang phakanang kamatan ha yoni tang akash sahi akash saha mani mama mama ..........to make a wish
The spell of Phra Ngang in Khmer language, Ajarn Wan Khmer
It can be used with all monks.
Ohm Prammalaniang Joykhayalostrik MoijangangangJangyolomOhmara Noi Deva Ganga Jamakhaniang Ohm Sapphasitthawah Maran Noisphasitswaha
Red-eyed Ngang amulet, Luang Pu Rit
Omhase Maha Lam Sai, who saw who gave it? who sees who is lost
3 ends
The amulet of Luang Pu Key
Ohm luay maha luay, luay the front, luay the back, luay both indra and god of heaven. Luo Mae Ganga came to pay tribute to the couple. Sabbasit Swaha
Amulet to worship
Phor Ngang (Khmer language)
It can be used with all monks.
Set Namo 3 ends
Great Savings popular popular Niyom Tiengkameng, Lulu Saleng, Sotsaeng Senao Alai Alao Manuk Tieng Prumpuen Konkameng Tujtu Rocket Dog Gomean Manuk Tieng Prumpuen Mojum Aina Kru Yee Omsit Swaya
low khmer spell
It can be used with all monks.
Niagaro Kukkusantho, Siromachhe, Chom Anjun, Pia Kukkusantho Sammow Samputthachao De Plow Mounu, rumored news and stories Rely on Niagaro Suwannojewa Nala adak plummea Plumeria Oil is rumored to be around, around Kloon, Oil Ked Sanadol. come on Techa Pria Kukkusantho Sammow Buddha Prasit Wichayate
The spell (Tanae) of the Khmer radiation teacher.
Namo three ends
Amoha Sarikalintao Kanzairasa Nai Moha Adsada Bantana Bannasanai
tall Bobtansanai Chandamani Mahasanai Tiang Plub Bai Tuek Moksantad
"A worshiper should choose only one chapter."
>>>Written by Pat Mahavet on 29 September 2014
for the dissemination of conservation announcements and honoring the ancient monks who used Please refer to the website with credit, thank you.